Our award-winning software makes working with survey data simple at any level.
Engage via GUI, and open-source batch scripting.
Import all data formats.
Powerful processing and advanced analysis.
Transparent single project and wave-on-wave management.
Store and share via C Drive, server, or cloud.
Write to Excel, PowerPoint, Tableau, TSAPI, Cadmium and so much more… Read more.
Quantum user? Read how Ruby can help you modernise here. Read more.
Watch a video tour of Ruby.
Silver on the web
Our new browser-based interactive tables and charting tool.
Connect a live database to static Excel tables, for a fully dynamic experience.
Run any filter combination and watch figures & charts update in real-time!
Interact with Excel formulas, right there in the browser.
Download charts & tables to offline Excel docs.
Database alignment = consistent insight across your organisation, every time.
carbon libraries
Incorporate our award-winning software engine…within your own systems & software!
We offer RCS’s crosstab machinery as a set of pluggable libraries. So, you’re free to white label our engines and plug into any app, across any platform.
Interested? Please contact

DIAMOND on the desktop
A new lightweight yet powerful tool for survey data crosstabulation, all in Excel.
Easy to use imports, table specification and analysis.
Batch table runs.
Text processing and sentiment analysis.
Graphics, commentary, dashboards, and end-client reporting.
Interested? Please contact