It’s looking bad for SPSS: So in keeping with the spirit of the times, the […]
Quantum-style levels (as opposed to Ruby variable hierarchies) are now supported. A levels job can have […]
Despite our best efforts to get Triple-S established as the preferred format for survey data interchange […]
Ruby jobs use a lot of files for case data storage. There are many advantages in […]
Compression reduces disk space (see the Blog entry “Using Windows Compression for Ruby Jobs”), but the […]
A simple form of indexing we often see is to base on the row average rather […]
A common issue is a rating scale collected as 1=worst, 10=best, but for analysis and stats […]
Update 7 March 2016 With Ruby version 3.x and later, the CodeFrames report is accessed from […]
Update 7 March 2016 Axis by Folder (Ruby version 3.x and later) is accessed from Tools […]
We’ve had a few goes at the perfect approach to scripted reports, but I think that […]